Weekly Writing Roundup: 7.4.2024

This Week: 100 writing tips, Choosing Settings, Plot Holes, and Backstory

This one’s a bit tongue-in-cheek but between the silly tips there is actually a few pieces of gold (also they are quick tips its not a 10,000 hour read)

I like this article because Weiland digs a little deeper than questions like “is this setting cool or fitting” and how they impact the characters and relations between.

Plot Holes

Fairly standard advice here but I just wanted to link something from ‘Save the Cat’ I get lots of newsletter articles from them but rarely easily linkable resources!

Key quote: “Authors obviously don’t need to track back the origins of every single aspect of character behavior, but offering shadings of context can deepen characterization and help readers more deeply invest—both in key story areas and where their actions or behaviors might otherwise seem opaque, confusing, or inconsistent.”

That’s for today folks 🙂

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