(ARC) Review: The Last Hunt

I vowed never to make this mistake again – however I have once more fallen into the trap of reading a sequel without realizing its part of a series! Thankfully I think Last Hunt works just fine as a stand-alone however I will mention series elements further down.

Overall I would say the plot is fairly standard thriller, however with a quite pleasant (well pleasant from a enjoyable read POV) twist that the majority of the book is focussed on the MC and her experiences as a survivor, there are some police procedure type scenes but they mostly consistent of Detective Tanner eating gum and trying to talk on the phone while others interrupt him.

No the majority of the story is about Cameron, trying to balance the guilt of some her past actions, with the paranoia that her past might still be coming for her. Because I was unaware of the first book I genuinely thought that the author was trying something a bit different and placing their thriller story in the aftermath of a serial killer investigation – and strangely either way it works. I think readers of the first book might be a little more connected with Cameron, whereas as a new reader I was more sucked in by the complexities of her past and her life (and I confess to the point where for a moment or two I though ‘gasp maybe she’s the killer’ a thought that wouldn’t work if you knew this book was a sequel right?)

I liked that the book leaned more into the psychological than the action – the final scenes were I thought a little tropey but not disappointing. A good book. .

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